domestic violence (OOH, SOCIAL, PR)

Helping victims of domestic abuse isn't a simple issue. Abusers control their victims by undermining their self esteem and making them believe abuse is normal – and their fault. So to help victims break free of that control, we took abuser excuses and flipped them on their heads, turning them into messages of affirmation, support and truth. And that message resonated. Within a month of the campaign's launch, traffic to had increased by 589%.





The cycle of abuse is generational. Children witness abuse in their homes and take that experience with them throughout their lives. Knowing children are one of the biggest reasons victims seek help and abusers seek counseling, we targeted parents during Domestic Violence Awareness Month, sharing one simple truth: your kids copy you. Engagement was high for all parents, but it particularly struck a chord with male parents whose view through rates were 75% above industry benchmarks.

ACD Art Direction: Julie Shanahan, ACD Writer: Greg King, Designers: Sydney Crabtree/Natalie Hernandez, Director/Editor: PJ Gal-Szabo



Too often, domestic abuse is overlooked until it escalates into physical assault. To bring attention to the issue, we create specially designed boxes of candy hearts for Sojourner Family Peace Center that were sent to media outlets on Valentine's Day. Within a week, every major media outlet had done a story on domestic violence.

CD: Chris Buhrman, Writer: Greg King, Art Director: Dan Koel